القائمة الرئيسية


The world is only expressive

The world is only expressive
There is a transient
Love loudly declared
Refute the hatred
As I redeem myself as usury
With love, I have families
To him longing is raging
He turns sang with a lullaby
Say sober words
Glory be to my Lord, praise
I honor him in behavior
Kidnapping him
And darkness becomes a light
By the light of Christ as a redeemer

Ghanima is merry with her family

Ghanima live merry with her family and in the shadow of her shepherd
A wolf wanted her seduction, and a swarm for her that questions the splendor of living far from the parish and the shepherd .. She took steps to leave and follow the wolf .. many and many times the shepherd returned her and expelled the wolf .. She was eager to live and fulfill the promises of the wolf .. until she thought that she ignored the shepherd, then she fled ... and the shepherd is looking at her while she does not see it until she reached the wolf while she was shivering from the unknown .. but the wolf started dripping in her ears the sweet words .. until she became numb from the effect of the words and in her heedlessness the wolf took his fangs in her body .. blood flowed from her and here The shepherd appeared with his heavy crutch and beat the wolf, smashing his bones and fangs ... the wolf fled ... and the spoil paid attention to what happened
The Faithful Shepherd came to save me from my foolishness ... while she was tired and in fatigue he carried her on his shoulders ... Well, he wounded her ... and placed her in the midst of her peers ... among the flock
So that she may return to live with all satisfaction .. evangelizing to the peers and loved ones about what happened to her from the lure of wolves, saving the Shepherd and the splendor of pastures.

 Be on the trivialities, up high

 Be on the trivialities, up high
And nurture the little ones
May God have mercy on men who despise them
And may God protect us from children who are insulting
Let each of us ignore his stature
Let each of us live and behold to the Lord
And for his people a cover
And you will live from harm unscathed
And your brothers are merciful and forgiving
Lord teach me to live for you and with your people in your peace and under the shadow of your grace and holiness, it is my course and my method

 Do not allow sadness to sweep you

Do not allow sadness to sweep you
Do not allow passion to sweep you away
Allow the joy of the Lord to envelop you
Allow love to surround you
Sadness is devastating
And fancy defiles !!
We are not people of passion and love, but people of love!

 For Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day
And for the feast someone loves
And how he likes a person
In two words, two kisses, two roses
Speech fills the love books
And kisses flow without expense
And roses fill the grove and are placed on the graves
So how do I like it
By giving
Not just giving money, not just giving words
Rather, I give to those who love myself my self, my effort, my time, my life
So let us be filled with love from the source of love
The owner of the story of strange love
We do not make of our love only words or desires in the heat of memories, yearning needs, threats and delusions
Rather, to be a conscious love directed towards the beloved and loved ones
To dissolve the scourge
Relax all the trouble
And to be above all whims and bad cravings
It is not directed to the flesh like a malice
Rather, to transcend the soul and express it in the body in all purity and purity
Between spouses in holiness and purity
Among the brothers without greed for the light
Among colleagues, partners
In dealing with the fear of God with all purity
With all skill, with all skill, let us save ourselves with fire and light of the love of the Holy One from all filth
May our love include all people
With the elevation and purity of the light of love
And the darkness of the soul and heart dissipated!

  Large tables

 Large tables
And luxury clothes
And luxury cars
And abundant bank balances
Where are our brothers in need of what we have
We give lip service and our brothers are strangers
Hollow words and deaf ears
Saying, Heaven help you
As we walk in public
Disregarding those who are in trouble
We do not share them except supplication
They say it is greater than giving
In cruelty our hearts are uncircumcised
It is out of indifference that we are treated with contempt
Lord of heaven, save us from stupidity
And bless our hearts with the grace of giving!

The word of God is above sectarian teachings
